Personalized yoga sessions
Book your session by phone or mail, when you book your room at Tambor del Llano

We offer individual, couple and small group yoga sessions.

The practice of yoga sessions can be adapted for beginners and also for experienced people.

The yoga session lasts 1h15.

Yoga is a Hindu discipline, originated more than 5000 years ago, which encompasses an entire philosophy of life.

Thanks to the combination of asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing), meditation, and other techniques, we balance the body with the mind.

Yoga is suitable for all types of people of any physical and emotional condition.

Yoga poses are divided into standing, balance, push-up, twist, hip-opener, and inversion poses.

The practice begins with a touchdown, pranayama (breathing), a warm-up followed by sun salutations, continues with standing and balance postures, postures for push-ups, twists, inversions, relaxation, and ends with a meditation.

This general program can be adapted according to the needs of the people who carry it out.

 María del Mar Román is a teacher specialized in Hatha Yoga and Hatha Vinyasa Yoga

In Hatha Yoga, the physical body, body awareness is worked through physical positions, determined breathing and cleaning techniques to achieve mental dominance and balance and strengthening of the Being. As a physiological consequence, a rebalancing of the nervous system is observed. and endocrine, as well as a strengthening of the immune system. The muscles become flexible and strong and the physical structure is properly aligned. Mindfulness, the present moment, the here and now, relaxation and meditation are also part of a yoga session.

We will also carry out a practice in which we synchronize movement and breathing in a harmonious flow. Conscious breathing flows with each inhalation and exhalation and represents the dance through vinyasas, which are those sequences that act as a transition between asanas (postures).

See you on the mat!


Instagram: @yoga_conmar


Recover your energy practicing yoga in nature


    • A las 19.00 h. Presentación e inicio del taller de yoga
    • Práctica al atardecer
    • Cena
    • Práctica al amanecer.
    • Desayuno.
    • Tiempo libre: reposo, paseos por la finca, senderismo, rutas botánicas,…
    • Almuerzo.
    • Tiempo libre: actividades en la naturaleza
    • Práctica al atardecer.
    • Cena.
    • Tiempo libre: reposo, paseos nocturnos y observación del cielo, cine fórum.
    • Práctica al amanecer y cierre del curso de yoga.
    • Desayuno
    • Tiempo libre: reposo, paseos por la finca, senderismo, rutas botánicas.


35 €
25 €
20 €
18 €
Group 5 to 10
15 €

Price per person