February is the month of the lambs in Tambor del Llano

Jan 31, 2022

The herd of Merino sheep from Grazalema de Tambor del Llano is made up of about a hundred head of cattle. December and January are the months with the highest number of lamb births.

But in January and February we can see groups of more than thirty little lambs running through the meadows of the farm. Quite a show that makes us appreciate the beauty and the added value of maintaining a cabin of merinos from Grazale.

The Merino sheep from Grazalema has been the engine of the textile industry in this region for many centuries, but it entered into a crisis when textile production developed in other parts of Spain with better communications.

Currently, the Mantas de Grazalema Factory (https://www.mantasdegrazalema.com/), is the only one dedicated to textile production with wool from the area, although not exclusively.

We are not sure of its origin, but it prospered between the 17th and 19th centuries as one of the types of Native Spanish Merino, thanks to the excellent quality of its wool. It is considered that it comes from a cross between the Merino and Churra breeds. The Churra breed would be responsible for the great density of its wool and the increase in its dairy capacity.

The area of ​​occupation of the main nucleus of the breed is centered in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park,


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