Tambor del Llano has the vice presidency of the AETC

Mar 30, 2022

Álvaro Bueno Sánchez co-owner of Tambor del Llano occupies the vice-presidency of the Association of Tourist Companies of Cádiz

On Wednesday, February 16, the AETC General Assembly was held at Sherry Golf Jerez.

Tambor del Llano participated along with 51 other partners who gathered at the General Assembly of the Association of Tourist Companies of Cádiz, whose essential objective is to promote the Destination Cádiz. During the Assembly, the pertinent annual reports were presented and approved unanimously by those present.

A meeting in which Josefa Díaz was named Honorary Presidency after occupying the operational Presidency and leading this association for the last 8 years. During his speech in the Presidency Report, he thanked the trust placed in him during his career and encouraged all associates to continue growing together, tackling common projects, because "Together we are more".


During the meeting of partners, the Board of Directors presented the new organization chart of the AETC:

* Marta Garat. NOVOJET. Presidency. Chiclana Delegation. Nautical Project.

* Josefa Diaz. LAS COURTS HOTEL. Honorary Presidency. Awareness Project.

*Alvaro Good. Tambor del Llano. Vice presidency. Sierra and Campo Gibraltar Delegation. Astrotourism project.

* Belen Gonzalez. TAVIRA TOWER. Secretariat & Communication. Project Culture / Cruises

* Luis Lopez. HOLIDAY RENTAL. Bay of Cadiz Delegation. Telecommuting project.

* John Carlos Milbourn. EXPLORE THE EARTH. La Janda Delegation.

* Heike Mai. CULINARY NEXUS. Nature Project

In addition, all the projects that are being carried out by the Association of Tourism Companies of Cádiz were presented: the Awareness Project, the astrotourism project coordinated by Tambor del Llano and the Nature Tourism Project through which it has been put into the documentary «Cádiz ¡Naturalmente! The green South of Spain» «Cádiz natürlich! Der grüne Süden Spaniens”.

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